Report and Country Analysis

As a result of the rapid political, economic and social changes in the world in recent years, the fact that businesses are not satisfied with domestic activities and want to take advantage of opportunities outside the country has led to the emergence of foreign organizations and multinational companies operating in foreign countries. The increase in competition in the international arena has necessitated forward sales. All these developments have brought along country risk, which is an important type of risk. "Karayel & Partners" For you, his work addresses country risk, types, consequences and measurement of country risk.

  • Country Analysis Services,
  • Analyzing the sectoral distribution of the Target Country
  • Researching the Domestic Market in the Target Country,
  • Target Country Economic Structure Reporting,
  • Reporting on the demographic and socio-economic structure of the country,
  • Reporting services for examining the supply-demand graphs of the target country and market and evaluating possible opportunities,
  • Customer Analytics
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Market/Sector Analysis
  • Environment Analysis
  • Identification of sales channels
  • Identification of distribution networks
  • Identification of domestic and international fairs
  • Reporting the country's total imports and their development
  • Which countries are imported from and their market shares
  • Barriers to market entry
  • Required permits and documents
  • Additional taxes and duties imposed on Turkey and competitor countries
  • Turkey's exports to target countries
  • Examination of sales channels

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